Licensing Solicitors London

As experienced Licensing Law Solicitors, we can handle applications for:

Increasingly activities in most types of Premises now require a Licence of some form. So it is important than ever that you employ an expert Licensing Solicitor.

We can offer advice and guidance at every stage of the License Application procedure including appeals, consultation and advertising, helping you make sure you are operating fully within the Law.

Licensable activities now include: the sale of Alcohol by retail, the supply of Alcohol in Clubs, provision of Regulated Entertainment and the provision of late night refreshment.

How do I apply for my License?

Please visit our Alcohol or Premises License page for details of how to apply

Applying for a Premises or Pub License for the first time can seem daunting. We can simplify the process for you and provide guidance and advice throughout the Application process including representing you at appeals.

Our Licensing Solicitors can help with License Applications for:

  • Clubs
  • Restaurants
  • Public Houses
  • Cafes
  • Hotel and Guest Houses
  • Off-licenses
  • Book-makers

For more information, please contact us on 0207 183 0084 or email us at