Solicitors on the legal panel for Skipton Building Society

Solicitors on the legal panel for Skipton Building Society Ola Leslie Solicitors LLP have been CQS accredited since February 2012 which was shortly after the scheme was launched. This provides mortgage lenders with the assurance that the solicitors who are acting for them and their borrowers will provide a very high standard of work. We… Continue reading Solicitors on the legal panel for Skipton Building Society

Solicitors on the legal panel for Vida Homeloans

Solicitors on the legal panel for Vida Homeloans for individuals Ola Leslie Solicitors LLP have been CQS accredited since February 2012 which was shortly after the scheme was launched. This provides mortgage lenders with the assurance that the solicitors who are acting for them and their borrowers will provide a very high standard of work.… Continue reading Solicitors on the legal panel for Vida Homeloans

Solicitors on the legal panel for Buckinghamshire Building Society

Solicitors on the legal panel for Buckinghamshire Building Society for individuals and limited companies Ola Leslie Solicitors LLP have been CQS accredited since February 2012 which was shortly after the scheme was launched. This provides mortgage lenders with the assurance that the solicitors who are acting for them and their borrowers will provide a very… Continue reading Solicitors on the legal panel for Buckinghamshire Building Society

Solicitors on the legal panel for Bluestone Mortgages

Solicitors on the legal panel for Bluestone Mortgages Ola Leslie Solicitors LLP have been CQS accredited since February 2012 which was shortly after the scheme was launched. This provides mortgage lenders with the assurance that the solicitors who are acting for them and their borrowers will provide a very high standard of work. We also… Continue reading Solicitors on the legal panel for Bluestone Mortgages

A Different Path to Homeownership: Meet Our Specialist Shared Ownership Solicitors

Are you trying to buy your own home but find the prospect daunting due to escalating property prices? If you are exploring the possibility of buying a home using a shared ownership scheme then we are thrilled to introduce our team of specialised shared ownership solicitors, who are dedicated to helping you navigate the path… Continue reading A Different Path to Homeownership: Meet Our Specialist Shared Ownership Solicitors

Collective Enfranchisement: Your Rights and How it Works

Collective Enfranchisement is a process that allows tenants in the residential property to collectively purchase their freehold. This is great news for those who wish to take control of their own home, but it can also be a complex process. In this post, we will explore the rights surrounding Collective Enfranchisement, how it works and… Continue reading Collective Enfranchisement: Your Rights and How it Works

Joint Tenancy -vs- Tenancy in Common – What is the Difference?

The tenancy in this context does not refer to the usual meaning where one pays a landlord to occupy the property for a period of time but rather refers to the ownership of a property. Ownership of property can either be solely owned or co-owned. And Co-ownership is either one of the two types, either… Continue reading Joint Tenancy -vs- Tenancy in Common – What is the Difference?

The new Inheritance Tax band

The Budget – 8th July 2015 An additional nil-rate band was applied yesterday as a result of the emergency Budget. It applies when a property is bequeathed to a beneficiary following the owner’s death. This nil-rate band will be £100,000.00 in 2017 to 2018, £125,000.00 in 2018 to 2019, £150,000.00 in 2019 to 2020, and… Continue reading The new Inheritance Tax band

Stamp duty land tax – Disadvantaged Area Relief ends 6 April 2013

Disadvantaged Area Relief   (DAR) which reduces the amount of Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) payable in areas designated by the government as ‘disadvantaged’ is is being abolished for transactions completed on or after 6 April 2013. All claims to relief for purchases of residential property where the effective date is before 6 April 2013 must be made on… Continue reading Stamp duty land tax – Disadvantaged Area Relief ends 6 April 2013

Initiatives for the residential property market – Budget 2013

The 2013 Budget included a number of plans that will impact on the property market, a few of these are: Help to buy initiative & the Battersea Power Station The Chancellor made an early nod to the regeneration of Battersea Power Station, a project that will bring a huge number of new homes to the… Continue reading Initiatives for the residential property market – Budget 2013