SDLT Relief for First Time Buyers to end March 2012

The temporary exemption which meant that first-time buyers were free from the 1% stamp duty on homes costing under£250,000 is due to end on 24th March 2012. The reason given by the  Government for the removal of the exemption which was first granted in March 2010, is that is has been ineffective in increasing the… Continue reading SDLT Relief for First Time Buyers to end March 2012

Fees and other changes introduced for Immigration Appeals

  From 19th December 2011, the UK Government has introduced appeal fee charges for some asylum and immigration appeals. People who want to appeal against a decision notice dated 19 December 2011 or later will need to pay a fee. The fees are now set at £80 for a paper consideration and £140 for an… Continue reading Fees and other changes introduced for Immigration Appeals

Ola Leslie Solicitors Evicted Squatters from a £1mil Residential Flat in Paddington, London

On 01 July 2011, one of Ola Leslie Solcitor’s clients Mr W contacted us in a bit of a panic. He had returned from a business trip to find that his tenant had vacated the property without notice, and there were squatters his £1m investment property, within an upscale apartment block in Paddington, London. We… Continue reading Ola Leslie Solicitors Evicted Squatters from a £1mil Residential Flat in Paddington, London

5 Reasons to write a Will

1. Taking care of the right people – There are intestacy laws which apply when you die without a will. Some people think that this means that their family will automatically inherit everything they own. But this isn’t always the case. 2. You love your partner but… – Most of us want to provide for… Continue reading 5 Reasons to write a Will

Key Questions when Taking a New Commercial Lease

Taking a new lease of premises is a serious step. You will be entering into a long term liability that you cannot get out of easily. Below are a few key questions you should keep in mind to ensure you do not find yourself dealing with unexpected problems or obligations: Is the lease length acceptable?… Continue reading Key Questions when Taking a New Commercial Lease

Court rules against house disguised as barn

A property developer who disguised his £500,000 house as a hay barn to evade planning laws has lost his legal fight after battling all the way to the Supreme Court. The story has been widely reported in the Newspapers. Mr.Beesley originally obtained planning permission for the barn on condition that it was used only for the… Continue reading Court rules against house disguised as barn

Love in the Office…

So someone spots someone they really fancy at work. This can be a minefield for both the employer and employee. There is a risk of conflicts of interest and also claims for harassment especially when things don’t go to plan. Many relationships start at work; not surprising perhaps, as people spend so much time in… Continue reading Love in the Office…

New Crime Map – Will it change the way we shop for homes?

  A new street level crime map has been launched to give real facts on crime and anti-social behaviour. You enter your location, and get instant access to street-level crime maps and data, as well as details of your local policing team. What effect will it have on the way we search for property to… Continue reading New Crime Map – Will it change the way we shop for homes?

Has Your Employer Offered You a Compromise Agreement?

Are you happy with the terms of the settlement? Are you getting a fair deal? There are a number of factors that affect your entitlement in the Compromise Agreement, including:- The length of time you were employed The manner in which your employment was ended Your lost earnings Your prospects of success in an Employment… Continue reading Has Your Employer Offered You a Compromise Agreement?