Lease extension solicitors in London

We are specialist Lease Extension Solicitors based in the heart of Southwark SE1, a stone throw from London Bridge Station and ideally placed to serve clients in all areas of our locality. We are recognised for our expertise in the field of leasehold enfranchisement, specialising in Lease extension and advising people who need help in connection… Continue reading Lease extension solicitors in London

How to Extend Your Lease

A lease can be extended either by a mutual agreement between the Landlord and Lease holder or formally by the law provided the lease is more than 21years and the leaseholder has owned the property for more than two years In extending a lease you need the services of a Valuer or surveyor, an experienced… Continue reading How to Extend Your Lease

Is your lease eligible for extension?

Under the 1993 Leasehold Reform Act, most flat-owners are legally entitled to get 90 years added to their lease at a fair market price.  To be eligible for a lease extension you must: Own a long lease (over 21years). You must have owned it for the past two years. You must be a residential tenant… Continue reading Is your lease eligible for extension?

Why extend a Lease?

The general rule is that the shorter the lease the more expensive it is to extend and the lower the asking price. Extending a shorter lease to a decent length can add thousands to your property’s marketing value. However, with a short lease your flat may depreciate in value.  As the number of years on… Continue reading Why extend a Lease?

What is Lease Extension/ Enfranchisement

What is Lease Extension? Lease extension is the elongation of the time remaining on your lease for a number of years. Your lease gives you the right to live in your property with certain terms and conditions for a certain amount of time. This is usually 99 or 125 years. You can extend the amount… Continue reading What is Lease Extension/ Enfranchisement