Ola Leslie Solicitors London Bridge – Providing Immigration Support and Care Across the World

مژده به افغانهای مقیم لندن شرکت حقوقی هوله لیسلی جهت رفع مشکلات و نیازمندی های شما افغانهای مقیم لندن فعاليت ميكنند این شرکت با کیفیت عالی کاری وبا داشتن متخصصین مجرب افغانی و انګلیسی در بخشهای حقوقی و تجارتی با نازلترین قیمتها به مشتریان خود در موارد ذیل اماده کمک و رهنمایی میباشد • (موضوعات… Continue reading

Ola Leslie Solicitors London Bridge – Providing Immigration Support and Care Across the World

How do I get onto the Property Ladder? And what is a Shared Ownership Property?

  What is a Shared Ownership Property? Sometimes housing associations can confuse buyers when purchasing shared ownership properties as when you are choosing how much of a share you can purchase the rent payable to the housing association will differ. Housing Associations can sell shares to you starting from 25%; the larger your share the… Continue reading

How do I get onto the Property Ladder? And what is a Shared Ownership Property?

Ola Leslie Solicitors London Bridge offer diverse Fixed Fee Conveyancing on Bridging Loans, Lease Options, Contract Races, Option Agreements, High Net Worth, Lock Out Agreements, Overage Agreements & More…

Ola Leslie Solicitors provide all clients with a bespoke conveyancing service tailored to meet individual needs. Not all cases are the same and the nature of the transaction or the value of the property might mean that your case needs to be treated differently. Our experience in this area led us to create a specialised… Continue reading Ola Leslie Solicitors London Bridge offer diverse Fixed Fee Conveyancing on Bridging Loans, Lease Options, Contract Races, Option Agreements, High Net Worth, Lock Out Agreements, Overage Agreements & More…

Stamp Duty Mitigation Schemes

There is currently an investigation being carried out by the government to amend the loopholes in tax laws which have increased the use of various tax avoidance schemes. HMRC and government officials have been on high alert and have initiated investigations as a result of the establishment of the Finance Bill 2011. There is now… Continue reading Stamp Duty Mitigation Schemes

Bridging Loan Solicitors in London Bridge

  For the right person and in the right circumstances bridging finance can be a useful and convenient form of funding. Bridging finance can be obtained for instance where a property owner wishes to purchase a new home but is unable to sell their current property, or if you are close to completion on a… Continue reading

Bridging Loan Solicitors in London Bridge